I love this article from the Chicago Tribune about changing the culture of sleep in the workplace, http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/careers/ct-huppke-work-advice-0313-biz-20160311-column.html. For far too long we have prided ourselves on being so busy and having so much to do (aka “important”) that we just don’t have time to get adequate sleep. Yes, we all can function decently on a short amount of sleep, but we can function EVEN better with consistently getting a good night sleep and keeping good sleep habits. There is a lot of evidence out there, and you probably have experienced it yourself, that your ability to concentrate, problem solve, be creative, and be nice is all impacted by sleep. So, for the remainder of this year, I challenge you to an experiment! Prioritize your sleep every night and see how much more efficient you are in your daily tasks, how your relationships, mood, and health improve! Need help? Check out the treatment I offer for people struggling with insomnia here: http://legacycounselingservice.com/insomnia-treatment/ and call me to schedule an appointment!
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