I love some of these apps! Some of them come from the Department of Defense and I used them regularly with veterans to help them keep up with skills in between our sessions. Some I use for myself, and others friends have told me about. Check them out and let me know you top 3 […]
Companies Change the Culture of Sleep in the Workplace
I love this article from the Chicago Tribune about changing the culture of sleep in the workplace, http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/careers/ct-huppke-work-advice-0313-biz-20160311-column.html. For far too long we have prided ourselves on being so busy and having so much to do (aka “important”) that we just don’t have time to get adequate sleep. Yes, we all can function decently on […]
Being too busy to sleep is no longer a badge of honor at some companies!
I love this article from the Chicago Tribune about changing the culture of sleep in the workplace, http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/careers/ct-huppke-work-advice-0313-biz-20160311-column.html. For far too long we have prided ourselves on being so busy and having so much to do (aka “important”) that we just don’t have time to get adequate sleep. Yes, we all can function decently on […]
Apps to Help You Sleep?
Apps to Help You Sleep? Each month I try to give you some apps that apply to the “problem of the month.” I searched a couple of sites and found claims for the “BEST” apps to help you sleep. Most these apps, I’ve noticed, are centered on relaxing sounds or tracking options that will give […]
Get your heart rate up to improve your sleep!
If you recall from my previous post (http://legacycounselingservice.com/7-secrets-to-improve-your-sleep/), exercise is one of many things you might need to add in to your daily regimen to improve your sleep. Check out the summary from this study that talks about the benefits of exercise to lessen insomnia: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-fitness-obesity-insomnia-idUSKCN0X32KG. If you are struggling with insomnia check out http://legacycounselingservice.com/insomnia-treatment/ […]
Could Your Smart Phone Be Keeping You Up at Night?
COULD YOUR SMART PHONE BE KEEPING YOU UP AT NIGHT? It’s no secret that many of us wind down at night by laying in bed and scrolling social media sites or reading on a tablet, Nook, or Kindle. Although you may think this is a good way for you to relax and get sleepy, the […]
7 Secrets To Improve Your Sleep
7 SECRETS TO IMPROVE YOUR SLEEP If you struggle with sleeping, then you may not have great sleep habits. These 7 tips from sleep specialist may help you get some much needed Zzzzzs. Now, before you decide only one or two of these tips apply to you, I suggest that you implement all 7 strategies […]
Are You Accidentally Causing Your Insomnia?
Are You Accidentally Causing Your Insomnia? Insomnia, which is defined as problems falling asleep, staying sleep, or waking up too early and not being able to fall back asleep and these problems occur for 3 or more nights and for 3 or more months, can be caused by any number of stressors: a health problem, […]
These Complications of Insomnia Will Surprise You!
I love this quick visual to understand the complications of insomnia. Many of these complications have to do with how our hormones and neurotransmitters are impacted by chronic lack of sleep. Is there anything you are surprised by when you look at this? Let me know by commenting below. Do you need help improving your […]
How Sleep Deprived Are You? Take the quiz now!
Do you frequently feel tired during the day, possibly even sleepy to the point where you nod off unintentionally? Do you notice that you are grumpy, have difficulty concentrating, or are easily distractible during the day because of not getting enough sleep? Sleep deprivation is a big problem and can result is serious problems during the […]
What you didn’t know about insomnia
Did you know that adult insomnia is recognized as a serious public health problem by the CDC? Not only is insufficient sleep associated with car accidents, industrial disasters, and work-related errors, but people who have insomnia are more likely to have problems such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, and some cancers. Sleepy-heads also feel less […]