Most people recognize whether they have a high or low self-esteem. But what is self-esteem exactly and how does it impact our everyday life? Self-esteem is the degree to which we feel worthy, valuable and confident, and these feelings or beliefs greatly affect our well-being and social interactions. Low self-esteem is associated with feelings of […]
3 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt
Self-doubt can be debilitating. It can hold you back from pursuing your dreams and living the life you really want. Self-doubt can also make it hard to complete necessary daily tasks and make simple decisions. The good news is, it is possible to overcome self-doubt and quiet that negative self-talk. Here’s how: 1. Take Charge Immediately When inner […]
5 Daily Self-Care Exercises for Survivors of Abuse
Unfortunately, being a survivor of trauma or abuse is exceedingly common. According to the National Children’s Alliance, nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S. annually. And according to the Center for Disease Control’s 2017 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, nearly 1 in 4 adult women and approximately 1 in 7 adult men […]
The First Counseling Steps Towards Leaving Domestic Violence
October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. I thought it might be a good idea to just review some facts regarding domestic violence and offer some help for those who are in the midst of the battle. At Legacy Counseling Service in Tulsa, we counsel people who are healing from the wound of domestic violence. Domestic […]
Set Yourself Up For Success: The Importance of Goal Setting to Improve Self Esteem
Many people set goals to get in better physical shape. They want tighter buns, six pack abs and arms that never jiggle. But how many people decide to work on their inner selves? No matter what we look like on the outside, it’s who we are on the inside that really dictates our lives. Self-esteem reflects the […]
How To Stop Beating Yourself Up
When was the last time you heard from your inner critic? You know, that voice in your head that constantly judges you, puts you down and compares you to others. The one that tells you you’re not good enough or smart enough and says things you would never dream of saying to another person. Now you may […]
3 Ways to Cultivate More Self-Compassion
Many people are brought up to always be kind to others. But how many of us were taught to be kind to ourselves? Self-compassion, or self-love, can often seem like a foreign concept, particularly to those raised in an abusive or unloving home. Self- compassion and self-love are not to be confused with arrogance or […]
Afraid of Failure? Here’s Advice on Coping with Failure
Fear of failure causes us to put the brakes on our life. When we’re so afraid of failing at something, we either don’t try at all, or we subconsciously undermine or own efforts to avoid an even bigger failure. Without question, fear of failure is immobilizing and, when we allow it to dictate our choices and sit […]