Written by Sandy Stone, LPC
As I enter week two of self-isolating due to the Coronavirus, my thoughts are on those of you who are already struggling with anxiety and depression. So often unknown situations can amp up one’s anxiety, and self-isolation can be detrimental to one who is depressed. So, how do you cope with corona?
Do use the coping skills you already know. Whether you have been in therapy or just lived with anxiety or depression for a while, you have learned ways to cope when the emotions get overwhelming. Here is a short list of things you can do:
- Distract: Remember the ACCEPTS of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
- Activity – do something you enjoy (cooking, painting, crafting, for example)
- Compassion – focus on helping someone else
- Compare – what have you done in the past that helps; do it again!
- Emotions – focus on the opposite of what you’re feeling (Feel sad? Watch a comedy.)
- Push through – self-talk and talking to God can give you the strength to get through
- Timing – don’t get stuck; limit the amount of time you allow yourself to sit and worry
- Senses – touch, taste, watch, smell, listen to things that will calm you
- Discuss: Talk to someone about how you are feeling. Rather than allow the negative, fearful thoughts circulate through your mind, express them to someone who will actively listen and help you redirect your thoughts. Legacy Counseling Service has therapists available to help.
- Decide to limit: Too much news whether from TV, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms can increase your anxiety and/or depression. Decide to limit the amount of time you spend catching up on the latest numbers of cases and deaths due to the coronavirus.
Do allow laughter in your day. If you have to look at social media, find funny videos and comments and laugh (out loud is best!). While this is a serious situation, laughter truly is good medicine for easing the fear and anxiety that can distress us.
Do exercise your faith. So many churches are offering services online. The Bible is full of encouraging words. Take advantage of the encouragement found through faith in God and trust His Word. Talk to others of like faith for the support they can offer and the support you can give in return.
Covid-19 has put all of us in situations we never dreamed we would be facing today. Whether you struggle daily with anxiety or depression or rarely face those emotions, there are ways to help you refocus your fear. Legacy Counseling Service in Broken Arrow has therapists that offer telemedicine mental health counseling for those who choose to not meet in the office. Most insurance plans ARE covering telemedicine appointments for mental health at this time. We are updating this page as soon as we get new information from the insurance companies we work with.
Call 918-505-4367 for an appointment or complete a contact form on the website.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7